Judge me by my size do you? The Force is strong with this one

Ah the force is strong with this one. Judge me by my size do you? I just took the $25 pi zeroW configured as a mumble server and wifi router in my leather jacket breast pocket powered by a small cell phone charging battery brick to go see Star Wars, The Last Jedi

My wife, son and I all logged on our phones in line for the tickets. Had earplugs.. hey who doesn't .. Son wandered about the lobby with me talking to him while I was waiting for 7 dollar popcorn Probably 50 people milling about. Had him step off into the game room and had LOS, automatically re acquired when he stepped back in to lobby. Went into the theater proper guessing 300 patrons or more. We were seated together, but no LOS. Wife and Son phones went into sleep mode. Mine was set to keep running. Waited till the credits rolled, they re started the app, no trouble aquiring signal, and I sat and watched a while, while my wife filed out with some of the crowd She held the talk key and I listened to the background noise to avoid her having to embarrass herself. LOS when she got to the exit corridor, likely steel studded drywall. Son did same.. Automatic re aquisition in the hallway.. Mumble app will hang in there and tolerate brief drops in the wifi, but the wifi re aquired every time on it's own. LOS naturally or rather stopped transmitting for the potty breaks. Automatic re aquisition with me at the far end of the lobby and wife emerged into the lobby from the hallway.. probably 75 to 100 feet away. So line of sight signal was really good in the crowded real world. Drops and re aquisition are automatic and seamless. Had I been watching their signal strengths I'm guessing much like at home Mumble has LOS when wifi gets crappy, but phone doesn't drop the connection until the wifi is really far gone.. it holds out hope.. thus the app is seeing a connection still, but waiting for the full data transfer to come back. So I'm thinking Server positioned on center stage front wall, and clients in booth, SL and SR will probably do well at the Smaller High school where the next test will likely take place. Would likely need repeater or a cat5 wired segment and repeater to cover some more remote locations.


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