
Headsets and ear plugs and bears oh my

Have tested with the Ugreen usb dongle from Amazon.  Works like a charm with multiple different headsets and earbuds.  One caution.. one set of cheap earbuds sent an echo into the system that was a bit annoying.. If you get this, try something different. More exciting.  It works with the Logitech H820e dect usb headset.   This thing lets you roam just about anywhere for about 300 feet from the base.  Have to configure in the sound config of the desktop, then start mumble and go through the audio config sequence.  Choose default usb device under alsa   Will likely have to shutdown mumble and reboot the pi before it will output sound to the headset.  The graphical mic config works.  Curiosly, the mumble test output file never seems to play under raspian like it does on windows or ubuntu.   Doesn't matter though.. output still works in the end. Also tested the Logitech H800 with dedicated dongle, and it works with no fuss....

OK the image is up on google drive for now.

As long as they don't declare me in meltdown should take you to a copy of the picomm image that you can burn to an 8 gig or larger micro sd.  Will work in pi3 and pi zero w. Passwords and config details in previous posts on this blog. Stay tuned.. How to build a $75 beltpack (complete with belt pouch) that will auto log into the picomm wifi, and auto log onto the mumble server (all headless no keyboard or monitor needed)  Can configure from the picomm server via vnc or from a laptop or tablet logged into the picomm server.

So the image isn't hosted yet... what's a body to do?

OK if you want to modify settings, or set this up from scratch.. here’s how I did it with a minimum of fuss. I loaded the latest raspian/jesse onto an sd card and ran with it.   This will probably take less time than downloading the image anyway, if you are at all familiar with config files, and navigating in linux Install mumble and mumble server using the regular add/remove software. (must have internet connection) First problem.. Mumble can auto load at boot, but needs a delay for the sound drivers to load first. In home/pi/.config/lxsession/lxde-pi Edit the auto start file and add the command “@bash” to the end of the file. That will run the bash file at startup, which we are about to create. Using nano or the gui text editor on the pi, #!/bin/bash echo “start” sleep 15 mumble mumble: //pi@ echo “stop” Save in the /home/pi/.config/lxsession Then sudo chmod +x ...

Tux and tie? not yet but getting more formalized

OK  I wanted to make the smallest image I could so that it could be hosted and downloaded for those that wanted to try this out.  I spent a lot of yesterday replicating the setup on an 8 gig micro sd.   Also had libre office open to record and clean up the steps.    So I should soon be able to upload the image.  Actually brought it to work for my faster internet speeds, but the thumb drive transfer kludged the tar  (was going to verify before the upload and sure enough.. choke) A step by step tutoral has been uploaded under resources, sound at   the image will probably end up being a google drive shared folder download.   

Judge me by my size do you? The Force is strong with this one

Ah the force is strong with this one. Judge me by my size do you? I just took the $25 pi zeroW configured as a mumble server and wifi router in my leather jacket breast pocket powered by a small cell phone charging battery brick to go see Star Wars, The Last Jedi My wife, son and I all logged on our phones in line for the tickets. Had earplugs.. hey who doesn't .. Son wandered about the lobby with me talking to him while I was waiting for 7 dollar popcorn Probably 50 people milling about. Had him step off into the game room and had LOS, automatically re acquired when he stepped back in to lobby . Went into the theater proper guessing 300 patrons or more. We were seated together, but no LOS. Wife and Son phones went into sleep mode. Mine was set to keep running. Waited till the credits rolled, they re started the app, no trouble aquiring signal, and I sat and watched a while, while my wife filed out with some of the crowd She held the talk key and...

OK formalizing the project more after much testing.

Had a whole day off yesterday.. more tinkering.. and load testing. Here's what I would and wouldn't do with the pi(s), if I were in the shoes of a generally non computer conversant High School director with semi working or non working Stage Comm, and no pc that you want to dedicate to mumble tasks.. 1 Get Raspberry Pi 3 Full kit is about 70 bucks from Canakit (search amazon) 2. Get sd card or image from me (working on getting a clean version purpose built before I make available) 3. Plug sd into pi and power up. Position it Center on the Center stage front wall (it's black if you get the canakit) If you don't have power there, power from a cell phone charge block battery. 4. Download app to cell phone(s) connect to the picomm network with provided password. Give the provided ip to the phone app and talk away. 5. If picomm wifi signal strength not good enough, or too many cell phones interfere, plug in cat5 cable to router of your choice eith...

Hello Hope this can help some folks, especially schools

Just started playing with the Raspberry pi as a mumble server.  It works great.  I currently help with tech at a 500 seat community theater, and we use mumble served up from a pc to 2 fixed stations that are used hp5742e thin clients.  These have bluetooth microphones so the crew can ramble.  Very low cost  Very robust.  We use a wireless router with a non broadcast sysid, not hooked to any other network or the internet.  Can cut in cell phones as belt packs using the iphone mumble client or the android client brumble.   Very cheap, very good quality sound, full duplex, and pennies on the dollar compared to thousands spent for conventional comm. I started to think about setting up a local school after someone there talked to me about transferring our method to them.  What hardware, and how to achieve as economically as possible?  Enter the pi I bought a raspberry pi3b  Loaded standard raspian jesse current version....