Hello Hope this can help some folks, especially schools

Just started playing with the Raspberry pi as a mumble server.  It works great. 

I currently help with tech at a 500 seat community theater, and we use mumble served up from a pc to 2 fixed stations that are used hp5742e thin clients.  These have bluetooth microphones so the crew can ramble.  Very low cost  Very robust.  We use a wireless router with a non broadcast sysid, not hooked to any other network or the internet.  Can cut in cell phones as belt packs using the iphone mumble client or the android client brumble.  

Very cheap, very good quality sound, full duplex, and pennies on the dollar compared to thousands spent for conventional comm.

I started to think about setting up a local school after someone there talked to me about transferring our method to them.  What hardware, and how to achieve as economically as possible?  Enter the pi

I bought a raspberry pi3b  Loaded standard raspian jesse current version.  Loaded mumble and mumble server from the standard repositories... and it just works.

I also set up the pi as it's own wifi server.  It works.... No external router, good coverage in a 500 seat theater.   I still need to test in a house full of cell phones crowding the bluetooth, but it looks hopeful so far.   We already can do this in a house full of cell phones with the linksys router, just hoping the built in pi wifi is robust enough..

If it is, then what I will have is a raspian image that can be burned to a microsd, plugged into a pi3, and have a self starting pre configured comm system that a theater in a school could use just by using their cell phones and earplugs.  The little pre configured box doesn't need a keyboard and monitor, unless you want to change or expand the config.

I also added a VNC server, so you can log in from a pc and use the GUI to fiddle with the configuration.

Total cost.. about 70 bucks.... 

If they want to get fancy, they could add fixed stations like we use as well either wifi or hard cabled.   Your choice of earbuds, headsets, etc. 

I want to repeat on a clean install and smaller (cheaper) sd card.  Once that's done Interested parties could contact me either for an sd pre burned or for the image to burn themselves.  plug into a pi, and you have zero config working comm.  Test for me in a crowded environment or...

  Plug pi into wireless router and a few settings on the router to set up with proven robust wifi.


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